Telltale Music Extractor 1.4.0 (Now supports Tales Of Monkey Island)

Telltale Music Extractor has been updated.

It now supports all currently available Telltale games.

This version adds support for Tales of Monkey Island Episode 1, Wallace and Gromit Episodes 1-3 and Strongbad Episode 5.? It also fixes an issue with filenames when extracting; all saved music now has the correct filename rather than “trackxx” as was previously the case with the Strongbad games. See the readme for more information.

Many thanks to Luigi Auriemma for his work on the V7 ttarch format and his updated blowfish code. TMI support would not have been possible without his work.

[Edit] Version 1.4.1 has now been released, adding support for Wallace and Gromit Episode 4 – The Bogey Man.

Download it here.

Help wanted

This site is now over 7 years old and its once-snazzy design is getting a bit dated. Its probably about time this page displayed correctly in Internet Explorer too.

In short – I’m looking for a new design for this site.? I could do it myself, but the internet wouldn’t thank me when I produced a design that burned everyone’s eyes off. That means I’m looking for help.

I need someone willing to update my existing WordPress theme or even to discard it and produce a new design. I dont have many requirements – you’d have pretty much free reign to do what you liked.

Experience has taught me to be pessimistic with requests like this, but its worth a try. Help me out – you know you want to.

Contact me.

USB Disk Ejector Beta 2 – Finally!

[Edit] Beta 4 is now released see here.

Its been almost 5 months since I said it was my intention to release new beta versions of USB Disk Ejector “as often as I can”. Sorry about that everyone, but 1.2 beta 2 is finally here.

There has been a huge number of features added and bugs quashed so I’m looking for as much testing and feedback as possible. So far its only been very briefly tested by me on Vista 32 bit. Please, please let me know how this beta performs. I want to know about problems, bugs, quirks, or even if it all works perfectly. Contact me, post in the comments or add an item to the issues tracker. Please include as much information as possible, including your version of Windows and if possible, the steps to reproduce a bug.

Click ‘Read the rest of this entry’ for the list of new features and the download link.

Read more

More Google Code Releases

I’ve now created Google Code pages and uploaded the source for more of my programs:

Escape From Monkey Island Setup and Launcher

Curse of Monkey Island Setup and Launcher

Grim Fandango Setup and Launcher

Two things became clear during this process: one – I should have done this years ago, its a lot simpler than I thought, and two – I write some really bad code. Some of it was from 2002, a time when just getting a program to compile was my big achievement.

I’ve done my best to clean it up and in doing so I’ve moved all string constants into a separate unit – this should make it much easier for people to make translations. Anyone looking to update the installers can look at Hoanzl’s work for ideas.

As always, feel free to contact me if you have any queries. If anyone has any patches or changes they want to merge into any of the repositories, just let me know and I’ll either do it myself or add you as a project member.

Telltale Music Extractor 1.3.2

Telltale Music Extractor has been updated.

A bug previously meant that all music from Strongbad season 1 was dumped incorrectly. It either didn’t play, or was missing the last few seconds. This has now been fixed and music from all games should now dump correctly.

Many thanks to Gary Kertopermono for spotting this bug and identifying the fix.

Download it here.

As an experiment I’ve put the source on Google Code, rather than its usual place at the bottom of the software page.

USB Disk Ejector – Beta 2 Preview

[Update] USB Disk Ejector Beta 2 has now been released, click here for more information.

I’m continuing to work on USB Disk Ejector when I get time. This post is just to let people know where I’m up to and keep you all informed.

I’ve added many fixes and features since the last beta, these include:

  • Detecting card readers
  • Allowing card media to be ejected without the USB device itself being ejected
  • Better notifications for successful and unsuccessful removal
  • Automatically closing explorer windows for the drive (helpful in Vista)
  • Closing programs running from the drive (nicely or brute-force)
  • Proper firewire support
  • Window autosizing
  • Window positioning fixes
  • Miscellaneous other tweaks.

At the moment I’m fixing bugs and making sure that the new features all work correctly. Once that’s done I’ll release beta 2. My intention now is to release beta versions as often as I can. If I again find that I’m unable to work on the program for a long time, people will still be able to try the new features, without having to wait for a full stable version.

You can see a screenshot of the current build below, the icons are likely to change as I cant identify the author of the card reader icon to request permission to include it.

USB Disk Ejector 1.2 beta 2
USB Disk Ejector 1.2 beta 2

Your opinion is sought – USB Disk Ejector – should be it open sourced?

As the observant among you may have noticed, I haven’t been releasing many updates to USB Disk Ejector recently. I am very busy at the moment and just haven’t had the time to work much on the app.

I’ve been thinking recently, of fully open sourcing the app and putting it on Sourceforge. However I’m not sure its worth the bother, its only worth doing if people would actively contribute to and work on the app.

Read more

USB Disk Ejector – 1.2 Beta

[Update] USB Disk Ejector Beta 2 has now been released, click here for more information.

I’ve had very little time to work on USB Disk Ejector lately. I’m still continuing to work on it when I get chance, I am aware though, that its been a while since the last release. With that in mind I’m releasing a beta of the next version (1.2). Its not feature-complete and there are still unfinished bits but it should be usable until I am able to make a proper release.

Please remember that this is a beta version – not everything will work correctly. It will also only be posted here – not on the software page.

New in this version:

  • Options dialog added – options can now be set and saved. Click on ‘more’ then ‘options’ to show it.
  • Added options to:
    • Start the program minimized
    • Remember the last size of the program window
    • Remember the last position of the program window
    • Enable/disable balloon notifications
    • Close to the system tray
    • Minimize to the system tray
    • Enable/disable eject notifications
    • Use the standard windows eject notifications
    • Close the program after a successful ejection
    • Minimize the program after a successful ejection
    • Control the adding and management of hotkeys
  • Hotkey support. Not yet fully implemented.
  • Added popup menu to system tray icon.
  • Added an ‘about’ form.
  • Firewire devices can be ejected via the command line switches – I still need to add settings to enable/disable this in the GUI.
  • Added ‘NOSAVE’ command line switch – when used the program will not save settings to a file and will ignore any existing settings file.

Download the beta version.

Read the readme.

Please report bugs in the comments, some (such as the incomplete hotkey support) are known, but there are bound to be others.

Telltale Music Extractor and Speech Extractor – both updated

I’ve just released new versions of the Telltale Music Extractor and Telltale Speech Extractor. In both tools, support has been added for Sam and Max Season 2 and Strong Bad games.

The speech extractor has had a number of bugfixes: its decoding problems are now fixed, so all voices should sound just as they do ingame, annotations have been added for all games and the annotations for Sam and Max Season 1 and CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder are now 100% complete. Many thanks to Aeon for completing the Sam and Max annotations.

[Edit – Telltale Music Extractor has been updated again to fix a problem with the music in Sam and Max: Whats New Beelzebub. Please download the new version if you are having problems]

Get them here:

Telltale Music Extractor

Telltale Speech Extractor

Telltale Music Extractor

Telltale Speech Extractor

Grim and EMI DVD Setup Programs

Hoanzl has taken the source for my Grim Fandango and Escape From Monkey Island installers and used them to make DVD installers for the games. This means that you can build your own Grim or EMI DVD and keep your originals in a safe place. You also get the benefits of my original installers (install under 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows, uses my launcher program).

Remember I did not create these, so do not contact me about any problems. You can post in the comments though and I’m sure he’ll address any problems you have.

You can get both installers here.