ScummVM ToolBox
By Bgbennyboy
Version 0.1

What is ScummVM ToolBox?:
A program that adds a friendly, quick and easy frontend to the ScummVM command line tools (the additional tools that are included with the windows daily builds). These tools let you compress the audio and video files in many games, extract the datafiles from certain games and decompile scripts from SCUMM games, the Legend of Kyrandia and Broken Sword 2.


What do I need to run it? :
You'll need the .NET framework 2.0 (you'll probably have this by now, if not just go to windows update and get it from there).


Many thanks to :
Jimmi Thøgersen (Serge`) for help with some C# problems.

Contact me
Talk to me on irc in #monkey-island on Gamesurge
Ask in the MixnMojo help forum

bgbennyboy 26/04/06