Psychonauts Files
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There are various files used by Psychonauts. Most of these are now supported by Psychonauts Explorer.

.PKG File
A .pkg file is a bundle file that contains many other files. It is the main archive file used by Psychonauts and contains the majority of the data. The PC version is named PsychonautsData2.pkg, while the XBox version is named PsychonautsData0.pkg.

.PPF Files
These are 'level pack files' - bundle files that contain the various files used in each level.

.ISB Files
These files are found only in the PC version and contain all the sounds, voices and music used in the game.

.XWB Files (XBox Wavebank)
These files are found only in the XBox version and contain all the sounds, voices and music used in the game. XWB wavebanks are also used in many other XBox games.

.XSB Files (XBox Soundbank)

These files are found only in the XBox version and contain information about their associated wavebank file. XSB soundbanks are also used in many other xbox games.

This file is found only in the PS2 version and contains all the game data.

File Types (the various files found inside the Psychonauts Archives)

·.aif - Audio file (usually compressed with the XBox ADPCM codec)  
·.aiff - Audio file (usually compressed with the XBox ADPCM codec)  
·.asd - Some kind of script?  
·.atx - Some kind of script?  
·.cdda - Audio file (usually compressed with the XBox ADPCM codec)  
·.cam - Camera controls?  
·.dds - Image files  
·.dfs - Cutscene indexes  
·.eve - Unknown  
·.h - C header file  
·.hlps - Pixel/vertex shader  
·.ini - Standard ini file  
·.jan - Animation file  
·.lpf - Lua packed file - a collection of lua scripts  
·.lua - Lua script  
·.pba - Unknown (animation?)  
·.pl2 - Model file (PS2 only)  
·.plb - Model/level file  
·.psh - Pixel/vertex shader  
·.vsh - Pixel/vertex shader  
·.wav - Audio file (usually compressed with the XBox ADPCM codec)