Bone Ttarch Dumper
By Bgbennyboy
Version 1.0

What is Bone Ttarch Dumper?:
A program that enables you to dump the contents of .ttarch files as found in the game Bone: Out From Boneville.

What do I need to use this?:
The game itself and about 160mb for the dumped files.

How to use it:
1) Click 'Dump files', browse to the "\Out from Boneville\Pack\" folder on your hard drive.
2) Select the .ttarch file and click open. Then select a folder to save the new files to.

Original dumper and file format analysis by Counting_Pine.

Contact me
Talk to me on irc in #monkey-island on Gamesurge
Ask in the MixnMojo help forum

bgbennyboy 18/09/05